Developing Culture and Climate at CNWL: A Fireside Chat with Charlotte Bailey, Chief People Officer at Central North West London NHS
SCARF stands for Safe, Compassionate, Accountable, Reflective and Fair and it’s the name of our Culture and Climate programme here at Central North West London.
During the session from the 2023 Employee Engagement Summit, Charlotte Bailey, Director of People & Organisation Development talked about why and how they developed and implemented the work on SCARF and their ongoing journey. The session detailed some of the specific changes and the impacts that they have had across the organisation, on their culture and their staff experience.
The session majored on why a focus on company culture and climate is at the heart of staff experience, staff engagement and staff retention. For most employees where they work and the values a company are just as important, if not more important, as the job they are employed to do. Many of the retention challenges organisations face are down to culture – we often leave a manager or a team not a job. Hear in this session how job satisfaction can be increased through creating an environment where staff are respected, included, feel safe to speak up, are encouraged to learn from mistakes and are treated fairly.